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Reith moves to end pattern bargaining

WR Minister Peter Reith has attempted to revive elements of his defeated second wave bill, today introducing into federal parliament amendments to the WR Act aimed at stamping out pattern bargaining and related industrial action.

IRC ends Caltex bargaining period

The IRC has agreed to Caltex's application to terminate the bargaining periods covering its refinery in Kurnell, NSW, finding there was no reasonable prospect of the company and the AWU reaching an agreement.

Injured Victorian workers regain common law rights

Injured Victorian workers will have their rights restored to seek common law damages, after the State Opposition decided it wouldn't block the legislation's passage in the Upper House.

Australian Industrial Registry has GST clause

The ALP has revealed that the Australian Industrial Registry, which reports to Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith, has a clause in its enterprise agreement allowing the deal to be re-opened to compensate employees for the effects of the GST on entitlements and conditions.

Unions to push for GST-related wage rises

Unions are certain to push for GST-related compensation in wage claims after the Federal Budget forecast that the GST will cause a mid-year 6.75% inflation spike, taking 2000-2001 financial year inflation to an annual average of 5.75%.

Unions win backing in Rio Tinto campaign

The Australian Shareholders' Association has thrown its weight behind union efforts to reform the board of mining giant Rio Tinto.

FSU tackles email/internet confusion

In a bid to ease the confusion over use of email and the internet for union activities, the FSU has developed a new standard clause for its enterprise agreements.