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Court to decide AMWU ballot result

Victorian metal industry employers could on Friday be facing what many regard as their worst nightmare: the Federal Court declaring Workers First's Craig Johnston to have won the State secretary position at the AMWU's Victorian branch.

Officials fined for contempt, but jail ruled out

The Federal Court has fined Victorian metal union leaders Craig Johnston and Dean Mighell $20,000 each for contempt of court, but robbed them of the opportunity of serving jail terms if they default on the fines.

AMWU goes for 24% at Ford

The AMWU (vehicle division) has served Ford Australia with a claim for a 24% pay rise over three years - the same quantum the union's metal division is seeking.

NUW in NSW disaffiliates from the ALP

The NUW's maverick NSW secretary, Frank Belan, has confirmed that his union has disaffiliated from the ALP, in part because of the party's lack of assistance over the financially crippling David's dispute.

CPSU incumbents claiming victory

The CPSU leadership is claiming victory in the union's latest elections, though full results won't be known until this afternoon.

Reject the legislation, ACTU asks Senate Inquiry

The ACTU has called on the Senate inquiry into the Federal Government's pattern bargaining bill to recommend that the legislation doesn't proceed to the Upper House.

Paper highlights contractors' plight

The issues paper released this week by the Victorian IR Taskforce highlights that the former State Government's referral of IR powers to the Federal Government has left independent contractors out in the cold.

ATSIC deal makes remote work more attractive

A new enterprise agreement covering ATSIC employees preserves conditions during a period of significant change, and introduces innovative ways to promote employees' health.

Industrial action looming at BHP Iron Ore

Unions at BHP's Pilbara iron ore operations are preparing to launch industrial action against the company, as it emerged that the company was unlikely to accept a union proposal for a collective agreement that mirrors the core conditions of the company's individual contracts.

NSW has real union power, union leader says

An ACTU vice president has made a provocative assessment of where union power lies in Australia, saying it is the NSW Labor Council rather than the peak national union body that was most influential.