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Record productivity performance on docks

Two years after the waterfront dispute, Australia's stevedores have achieved record productivity levels that approach the 25 containers an hour benchmark set by Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith.

CBA, FSU back in talks

After an eight-week standoff, the Commonwealth Bank and FSU have resumed enterprise bargaining negotiations.

Non-union deals delivered more in June

For the first time, non-union enterprise agreements have delivered higher wage increases than union agreements, according to ACIRRT's ADAM report on bargaining in the June quarter.

Vic ex public servants register for claim against Government

Former Victorian public servants who may be eligible for a share of a multi-million dollar back-pay settlement with the State Government have already began swamping an inquiry service to register their details.

Tax breaks in ESOPs report

A parliamentary committee has recommended that the Government provide substantial new tax breaks for employee share plans and allow employers and employees to trade wages and conditions for share ownership in businesses undergoing short-term crises.

Grace is QCU's first woman leader

The Queensland Council of Unions has elected Grace Grace as its secretary - the first time a woman has occupied the position in the organisation's 115-year history.

ACTU attacks credibility of BCA report

The ACTU has attacked the independence of a BCA-commissioned report that says most CEOs of member companies believe their future lies with building direct relationships with employees rather than with unions.

McCallum slams lack of political courage

In his first public speech on reforming Victorian IR since delivering the report of the Victorian IR Taskforce, taskforce chair Ron McCallum has lambasted the Labor Party in Victoria for failing to have the courage to oppose former Premier Jeff Kennett's transfer of IR powers to the Federal Government.