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LHMU seeks to turn back enterprise bargaining tide

In another example of a union turning its back on enterprise bargaining, the LHMU is pursuing a common national claim on a company-by-company basis in the paint industry via Paint 2000.

IRC rejects bid to widen reach of dismissal law

In an important decision on the scope of the federal unfair dismissal laws, a full bench of the IRC has upheld an earlier finding that a member of the Royal Australian Air Force cannot not lodge a claim because he isn't an employee.

Virgin EA removes ground crew demarks

Virgin Blue has sealed a new single-union enterprise agreement with the TWU for its ground staff, which it believes will deliver significant efficiencies.

New Optus non-union deal maintains flexibility

Optus has confined CPI-based pay increases to a small proportion of its workforce in a new agreement directly with employees and maintained the significant flexibility and management prerogative won in its 1994 and 1997 non-union deals.

Court clarifies meaning of coercion

In a landmark decision, the Federal Court has ruled the FSU did not coerce the Commonwealth Bank when it sought a court interpretation of award and agreement clauses that were at issue in enterprise bargaining negotiations.

FSU drops pursuit of labour suppliers - for now

The FSU is preparing a new strategy to ensure its members in banks and insurance companies don't have their rates of pay undercut by third-party suppliers of labour, after withdrawing its log of claims against 17 labour supply companies.

Joy workers get 4% a year under Commission settlement

Joy Manufacturing workers have won a 4% a year pay rise, well above the 2.5% annual boost offered by the company, under the IRC's consent resolution of outstanding issues from the lengthy bargaining dispute.

IRC terminates Campaign 2000 bargaining periods

In a blow to Campaign 2000, the IRC has terminated the bargaining periods applying to 33 employers targeted by metals unions, after finding that they had not genuinely bargained at the enterprise level.