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IRC to take more central role in settling disputes

The IRC is likely to revert to taking a more active role in dispute resolution, and parties to enterprise agreements will pay more attention to the wording of dispute resolution clauses, following a decision by a five-member full bench.

Only 40% compensated for unpaid overtime

A quarter of a million Queensland workers perform unpaid overtime, but only 38% of them get an allowance or time off in lieu to compensate them, according to a new ABS survey.

Court green light for duress

Employers engaging in protected AWA industrial action - such as lockouts - against employees are immune from the statutory ban on applying duress to employees, the Federal Court has ruled.

NSW IRC rejects false redundancy claim

Two employees who refused offers of alternative employment when their employer merged with another company have failed to convince the NSW IRC that they were unfairly dismissed.

Awards can direct non-unionists' super

In an important victory for the future of industry superannuation funds, a full bench of the IRC has ruled that building awards can specify which funds employers have to contribute to for non-union as well as union workers.

Vital ruling on casual employment

In a landmark ruling on casual employment, a Federal Court full bench has found two regularly-rostered workers to be casuals because they were engaged on that basis.

Union wins injunction against outsourcing

The LHMU has used the Workplace Relations Act's anti-coercion provisions to win an interlocutory injunction restraining Coca-Cola Amatil from contracting out up to 50 jobs at its Clayton warehouse in Melbourne.

Corporations power not the key to simplicity, labour lawyer says

While Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith was this morning extolling the potential benefits of IR life under the Constitution's corporations power, one of Australia's leading labour lawyers was issuing a warning that heading down that path was unlikely to reduce the existing system's cost or complexity.