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Non-union deal provides 8.6% over two years

The IRC has certified a non-union agreement for health fund HCF that provides 300 clerical and customer service employees a minimum pay increase of 8.6% over two years, with 6% of that paid upfront.

Inflation to leap ahead of wages: union leaders

Union leaders expect wage growth in both the enterprise bargaining sector and the whole economy to fall behind inflation by the end of this year, and for the situation to be sustained throughout 2001.

BHP workers say no again to collective offer

A mass meeting at BHP's Port Hedland site in the Pilbara today has, as anticipated, again rejected the company's collective offer and a further meeting in Newman this afternoon is expected to yield the same result, putting the focus of the individual contracts dispute back on the Federal Court trial.

CPSU set to back tax deal

The threat of industrial action in the tax office coinciding with the introduction of the GST looks like being averted, with the CPSU forced to back away from its earlier position of rejecting the department's bargaining offer.

ACCC looks at union Fiji bans

The ACCC is investigating whether union bans on trade with Fiji breach the Trade Practices Act.

New leave laws for NSW

Employees in NSW will be able to take five single days a year of annual leave and part-time workers will receive more holiday pay under changes to laws governing leave.

NSW excises "contractor deeming" provision from IR bill

The NSW Government has delayed debate on the key "contractor deeming" provision in its package of amendments to the State IR Act, after winning support from just four of the 11 cross-benchers who hold the balance of power in the State's Upper House.

The dominoes aren't falling: AiG

The AiG has played down the significance of a Campaign 2000 break-out deal, saying it was no surprise some employers were bedding-down agreements with the metal industry unions given the number that were expiring.