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Vital High Court challenge to be decided tomorrow

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith plans to immediately introduce remedial legislation if the High Court tomorrow upholds the CFMEU's constitutional challenge to the Workplace Relations Act's award simplification provisions.

Adsteam cuts tug crewing from four to three

Adsteam Marine and the MUA have agreed to cut tug crews from four to three - saving the company $3m a year - after three months of mediation by the IRC's Commissioner Tony Wilks.

Officeworks EA reduces age-based wage discounting

Office supply chain Officeworks Superstores and the SDA have struck a new enterprise agreement that phases down junior rates for over-18s and provides a 3.3% a year pay increase for 1,900 employees.

On/off worker an employee: IRC

In a decision that opens the door wider for long-term casuals to be treated as employees, the IRC has ruled that a casual who rang his employer every day for 20 months - often finding no work the next day - was an employee under the Workplace Relations Act's unfair dismissal provisions.

WA State Wage increase paid from August 1

Low paid workers in WA are set to get a $15 pay rise from August 1, after the State's IRC passed on the full living wage increase.

Court restrains unions from protected action

In an unusual interlocutory decision that has got IR lawyers scratching their heads, the Federal Court has found it would be unfair for unions to take industrial action against BHP Iron Ore while the company is restrained from offering individual contracts to its unionised workforce.

Court fines employer $9,000 for FOA breaches

The Federal Court has ordered an employer to pay the AWU $9,000 in fines for discriminating against employees over industrial action and their union membership.

Individual contracts win for WA unions

WA employers will no longer have an unchallenged right to offer employment conditional on signing a State workplace agreement, following a crucial Industrial Appeal Court ruling.

AiG asks Commission for urgent help

The AiG has responded to the Democrats' decision to reject the Government's pattern bargaining bill by taking its battle against Campaign 2000 back to the IRC, today taking the unusual step of asking the Commission to convene an urgent hearing and to direct senior union officials to attend.

VBIA deal close to finalisation

More than two months after the end of the crippling Victorian construction dispute, unions and employers are finally close to wrapping up the conditions agreement that will cover the industry.