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Sick/carers leave only meets 40% of caring needs

Fewer than 40% of employees use sick or carers leave to care for other people, according to a new survey of how employees balance work and caring responsibilities.

NSW IR changes beef up victimisation laws

NSW IR Minister Jeff Shaw's amendments to his 1996 IR Act have handed employees and unions a powerful enhancement to existing anti-victimisation provisions, incorporating the equivalent federal provision's reverse onus of proof that has been used to great effect by unions against Patrick and other employers.

Democrats party room quashes Reith's bill

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith's bill to ban pattern bargaining is now dead in the water, after the Democrats' party room today unanimously resolved to oppose it.

Court extends injunction at Rio mine

The Queensland Supreme Court has issued a permanent injunction stopping the CFMEU and its officials picketing a Rio Tinto coal mine, despite the picket ending nearly a year ago and the lack of any immediate threat of it resuming.

Wharfie reinstated, agrees to end union activism

The IRC has reinstated a sacked wharfie and senior MUA delegate after accepting his undertaking that he would end "forever" his union activities that had given rise to conflict with his employer, P&O subsidiary Container Terminals Australia Limited.

NSW Government offers Olympics allowance

NSW unions look likely to accept a State Government offer of a $1.50 an hour allowance to compensate 8,000 public sector workers whose workload will increase during the Sydney Olympics.

BCA wants more, not less, mediation from the IRC

One of Australia's most influential employer organisations, the Business Council of Australia, wants the IRC to have a greater role in mediating bargaining disputes - a position that puts it in sharp contrast with the Government's desire to introduce competitive private mediation.

Pay rise for NT nurses, despite employer funding problems

A full bench of the IRC has stepped into the aged care debate, awarding private aged care nurses in the Northern Territory a substantial pay increase, but acknowledging their employers will have difficulty providing it because of precarious funding arrangements.

Democrats set to down Reith's Bill, as NSW rallies planned

The Democrats have confirmed that the Government's pattern bargaining Bill as it stands is unlikely to get their support in the Senate committee report being handed down today, with IR spokesperson Senator Andrew Murray yesterday issuing a media release expressing concern with the legislation's wide implications.