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New union for managers and professionals

More than 100,000 managers and financial executives across a range of industries - including IR/HR, property services, accounting, consulting and mining - will in future have their minimum pay rates prescribed by awards and be covered by federal unfair dismissal laws for the first time following the registration of a new union.

Coal miners rally outside IRC tomorrow

Hundreds of CFMEU (mining & energy division) delegates will tomorrow march on the IRC's Sydney headquarters to protest against the Commission's decision to allow 10-hour shifts and, according to the union, to effectively freeze wages in the coal industry award.

High Court decision expands Parliament's IR powers

In its landmark CFMEU judgment, the High Court majority has opened the way for Parliament to prescribe the content of awards without infringing constitutional limitations under s51(xxxv).

CFMEU loses award simplification challenge

The CFMEU (mining & energy division) has lost its High Court challenge to the Federal Government's award simplification provisions, with four of the seven judges finding WR Minister Peter Reith's laws were constitutional.

Reith to reintroduce dismissal exemption bill

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith plans to reintroduce his bill - rejected twice in the Government's last term - to exempt small businesses from unfair dismissal claims.

Fairfax wants to end profit-sharing

After sharing record profits with its employees under the terms of the current enterprise agreement, media giant Fairfax has told its workers it wants to end its profit-sharing scheme.

Vital High Court challenge to be decided tomorrow

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith plans to immediately introduce remedial legislation if the High Court tomorrow upholds the CFMEU's constitutional challenge to the Workplace Relations Act's award simplification provisions.

Adsteam cuts tug crewing from four to three

Adsteam Marine and the MUA have agreed to cut tug crews from four to three - saving the company $3m a year - after three months of mediation by the IRC's Commissioner Tony Wilks.

Officeworks EA reduces age-based wage discounting

Office supply chain Officeworks Superstores and the SDA have struck a new enterprise agreement that phases down junior rates for over-18s and provides a 3.3% a year pay increase for 1,900 employees.

On/off worker an employee: IRC

In a decision that opens the door wider for long-term casuals to be treated as employees, the IRC has ruled that a casual who rang his employer every day for 20 months - often finding no work the next day - was an employee under the Workplace Relations Act's unfair dismissal provisions.