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Casual SA clerks win the right to be permanent

In a landmark decision on casual workers' job security, the South Australian IRC has ruled that casual clerks in the state's private sector can choose to become permanents after a year of ongoing and regular employment.

Legal challenge to Campaign 2000 break-out group deals?

In a move that could significantly delay or derail the certification of the Campaign 2000 break-out group agreements, Workplace Express understands that a significant IR player is considering intervening in their certification on the grounds that they are a multi-employer agreement and must therefore be approved, if at all, by a full bench of the IRC.

Test of non-union industrial action

In what could be an important test of the ability of non-union employees to validly notify protected industrial action, Esso has this evening applied for s127 orders against industrial action planned by offshore oil workers represented by MUA shelf company MUA-HTS.

Bench rejects Reith argument on choice

Unions that fit criteria for both enterprise and traditional employee associations can only seek registration under the Workplace Relations Act's enterprise union provisions, following an IRC full bench ruling today on the Victorian Principals Federation.

Kennett legacy leaves one-third out in the cold

Most of the one-third of Victorians continuing to work under the Kennett Government's industry sector system don't get the overtime rates of pay, annual leave loading, weekend penalty rates or shift allowances enjoyed by federal award employees, according to a new workplace survey commissioned by the Victorian IR Taskforce.

Adecco committed to paying host company rates

Australia's biggest labour supply company, Adecco, is committed to ensuring its temp workers receive equal pay with permanent employees at all sites it supplies, says its Asia Pacific CEO, Ray Roe.

New onus on employers to check work rights

Employers could face hefty fines or in extreme cases imprisonment if they fail to check the entitlement of new employees to work in Australia, under proposed immigration legislation due to take effect from November. Employers will be required to check documents such as birth certificates, drivers licences or passports to be sure of avoiding penalties.

Decision expected soon in SA casuals case

Hearings have finished in a crucial case in South Australia in which the ASU is seeking to win greater job security for existing casuals, and prevent further casualisation of the workforce.