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Shop union ropes in 27,000 employers

Some 27,000 Victorian retail employers will be roped into federal awards, following an IRC full bench decision yesterday.

Unions to contest Esso s127 orders

Esso unions plan to appeal against the IRC's decision today to issue seven-day s127 orders to stop industrial action at Esso's Gippsland onshore oil facilities and in the meantime look likely to maintain their bans.

$161K payout for failing to install modem

An employer who discriminated against an employee when it delayed installing a modem at her home has been ordered to pay compensation of $161,307.

Queensland teachers say yes to EA

Queensland teachers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of accepting the State Government's bargaining offer, which puts an extra 800 teachers in schools but leaves it to the IRC to arbitrate a pay rise.

AMWU loses bid to argue against MIM exclusion

The AMWU is considering whether it will seek to intervene when the AWU and MIM apply to have their enterprise agreements certified, in what would now effectively be its last hope of retaining a legal link to the bulk of the company's workforce.

Unions over-represented at ALP conference: Reith

Union officials past and present will comprise two-thirds of delegates at next week's ALP national conference, giving them a disproportionate influence over the party's policymaking, according to Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith.

Keating damns fair trade calls

Former Prime Minister Paul Keating has labelled AMWU secretary Doug Cameron as isolationist and dismissed his calls for fair rather than free trade as "horrible tripe".

Pregnant woman loses constructive dismissal claim

The Federal Court has rejected a pregnant employee's claim that she was constructively dismissed when her employer pressured her to move from full-time to part-time work.

Turnover costing employers billions

Employee turnover is costing Australian businesses more than three billion dollars a year, according to a leading international recruitment company.