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Bank deal provides security

A new enterprise agreement for the Bank of Queensland continues a "no redundancy" policy, provides $1,000 a year of shares to each of the 670 employees subject to the bank18s profitability and pays a minimum of 7.25% over three years, plus performance increases.

Casualisation trend overstated: paper

The trend towards casualisation has been overstated by one-third, while casuals tend to have better job security than is widely understood, according to a new Productivity Commission study.

Federal Court fines CFMEU $2,200

Following the first prosecution for defying s127 orders, the Federal Court has fined the CFMEU (mining & energy division) a total of just $2,200 for two separate breaches of return to work orders during a dispute with BHP Coal.

HREOC Act covers indirect discrimination

The Federal Court has found that the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act covers indirect discrimination complaints, rejecting Commonwealth Government arguments that it is confined to direct discrimination.

Yallourn wants umpire to settle dispute

Yallourn Energy is seeking a s170MX arbitration of its protracted bargaining dispute, after the announcement today that its workforce had voted down a proposed enterprise agreement.

IRC upholds email porn dismissals

The IRC has upheld Toyota's summary dismissal of two long-serving employees for distributing pornographic material via the company's email system.

Abbott takes over Workplace Relations portfolio

Employment Services Minister Tony Abbott is to replace Peter Reith as Workplace Relations Minister, after PM John Howard yesterday afternoon announced a reshuffle of the Government's frontbench.

Accessing Workplace Express

All Workplace Express subscribers should now have user names and passwords for accessing the service. If you don't have a user name/password or are having problems with accessing the facelifted site, call us on 02 9267 3800 or email and we will help you.

Court backs CBA over HR manager sacking

A court has vindicated the Commonwealth Bank's sacking of a senior HR manager over conflicts of interest, but has found "serious deficiencies" in the bank's investigation process and criticised senior HR management for their part in it.

Workplace Express guide to IR/HR courses

Interested in studying IR or HR at postgraduate level? Workplace Express hascompiled a list of IR and HR courses offered at Australian universities.