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ALP conference passes IR policy

The ALP has passed its IR policy platform at its national conference in Hobart, after referring the contentious employee entitlements issue to its national executive to avoid a split.

Furore overshadows appointment of first woman member

The appointment of the first woman member of the South Australian IRC has been overshadowed by criticism from employers and unions over the Government's flouting of convention in making two other appointments.

Vital ruling on employees' rights to retain customer lists

The South Australian Supreme Court has ruled an employee was entitled after leaving her employer to retain confidential client information she had written into her address book and diary and to then use that information to approach clients.

Dunhills' IR lawyers join Blakes

Law firm Dunhill Madden Butler's principal Victorian IR lawyers are joining Blake Dawson Waldron's Melbourne office.

Union call centre activism sparking employer IR interest

While the union movement's targeting of call centres has received a lot of attention, the counterpart to its activist agenda is that employers in the growth industry have also been looking for collective representation, and the AiG has stepped up to the role.

CFMEU to implement more bans at Yallourn

The CFMEU (mining & energy division) has notified Yallourn Energy that it is taking further industrial action this week, as the company prepares to argue that the bargaining periods covering its Latrobe Valley power generator should be terminated.

Reith still pushing private mediation

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith has not given up on amending the WR Act to provide a greater role for private mediation despite his proposals being rejected last year along with the rest of his second-wave bill.

Unions target Email in Campaign 2000

The metal industry unions in Victoria have notified icon company Email that it will be subject to a one-day state-wide strike next week, in the first sign of significant industrial action since Campaign 2000 officially began on July 1.

CBA boosts pay offer

The FSU says it wants a larger guaranteed pay increase than the Commonwealth Bank's revised offer of 6.5% over two years plus performance pay - up from its original 4% plus performance pay offer.

PC says ABS data overestimates casuals by 100%

The Productivity Commission has raised doubts about the widely-held view that precarious employment is on the rise, after a Commission research paper identified that ABS data overestimates numbers of casuals by 100%.