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IR men show there's a bit of Ernie left in them

After a quiet, snaggy period, Australia's IR industry has this year put a bit more effort into demonstrating why it has a sell-out annual sexism awards night named after it.

Coal strike at BHP as CFMEU pursues common claims

About 1,000 workers will walk off the job for 48 hours from Monday at five BHP coal mines plus its Queensland export terminal in pursuit of a set of common claims, in line with the CFMEU (mining & energy division's) new bargaining strategy.

CBA stopworks in WA on Monday

The FSU has called statewide stopwork meetings of its 1,300 Commonwealth Bank members in WA on Monday morning, as it begins a resurgent industrial campaign against the bank's pay and conditions offer.

Bosch Australia deal voted up

A majority of the 1,800 employees of automotive parts manufacturer Bosch Australia have today voted up an s170LJ agreement that differs significantly in key areas from the Campaign 2000 pattern deal.

Single peak union body for NZ

New Zealand's unions are to have a single voice, after the Council of Trade Unions and Trade Union Federation agreed to merge.

Victorian judge biased, says union

The AWU has complained to Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls over alleged apprehended bias by the State Supreme Court judge who hears urgent applications for injunctions during industrial disputes.

AIG seeks to end Campaign 2000 bargaining periods

The AIG will seek to terminate the bargaining periods at manufacturing sites across Victoria, as it attempts to head off a statewide strike on October 29 in pursuit of the Campaign 2000 bargaining claim.