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Joy has brought in "scabs", unions claim

In another serious turn in the long-running American-style bargaining dispute at Joy Manufacturing, the company is understood to have brought in workers from Victoria and Tasmania to replace those it locked out.

4%-plus in Victorian public service deal

Victorian public servants will vote later this month on a deal struck between the CPSU and the State Government that will put an end to the Kennett Government's individual contracts regime.

Wood loses dismissal case against Patrick

Patrick and its stevedoring employee Glen Wood have parted ways for good, after the IRC upheld his dismissal for failing to comply with a direction from management.

Campaign 2000 hasn't gone away

While the AiG and MTFU continue to battle it out in the IRC over the legality of the unions' Campaign 2000 tactics, bargaining goes on in the field, and the deals, according to the AMWU's Darren Nelson are "ticking over".

BCA resuscitates push for single IR system

The BCA has renewed its campaign for a unitary IR system, proposing a public forum in November to provide a chance for all stakeholders to discuss the issue.

Links on Workplace Express

We apologise for the faulty hyperlinks on the Workplace Express site over the past few days.

Fairfax peace vote tomorrow

Fairfax editorial employees will vote tomorrow on a new pay deal, after the MEAA and the company reached agreement this afternoon.