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IRC sets out probation period checklist

The IRC has set down a five-point checklist for determining whether a probation period exceeding three months is reasonable.

ACTU warns of emerging "working poor"

The ACTU claims a genuine US-style working poor is emerging in Australia, with child poverty increasing fastest in working families - rather than those dependent on social security for most of their income - and 20% of the adult workforce earning less than $12 an hour.

Reith explores new laws to protect outsourcing

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith has released plans to overcome the restrictions imposed on outsourcing by a string of recent Federal Court decisions on transmission of business.

Government lets IRC wither, says member

A senior member of the IRC had directed a broadside at the Federal Government over under-resourcing of the Commission, saying the Government believed the body should "wither on the vine".

Unwanted AWAs, non-union EAs might contravene Act

Employers who push for non-union agreements and AWAs against the wishes of their employees could be contravening the WR Act's objectives of promoting freedom of association and fair and effective agreement-making, following an important IRC decision.

Campaign 2000 case begins today

The IRC has this morning begun hearing the Ai Group's application to suspend Campaign 2000 bargaining periods.

Employees locked out for six months in Campaign 2000

In the first such hardline move by an employer involved in Campaign 2000, Brownbuilt has locked out its 60 production employees at its Oakleigh South factory in Melbourne for six months.

Queensland health ballot closes today

Queensland's 60,000 health workers should know mid-week the fate of the enterprise agreement struck between their unions and the State's health department, with the ballot on the deal closing today.