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IR change "bearing fruit" but more needed: OECD

The OECD has lauded the IR reforms Australia has undertaken over the past decade, but has urged further change to reduce the role of awards, cut transaction costs for individual agreements and address pattern bargaining.

Students drop menstrual leave clause

A novel entitlement to 12 days a year of menstrual stress leave for female employees at Sydney University's Students' Representative Council has been converted to non-gender-specific general stress leave, under a deal struck today with the NTEU.

CFMEU seeks to put Rio's "fair treatment" on trial

The CFMEU is seeking a finding from the Federal Court that multinational resources company Comalco has unlawfully discriminated against a longstanding union activist at the Weipa bauxite mine.

New blow for union bargaining fee strategy

The AIRC has rejected 150 CEPU agreements containing bargaining fee clauses, after ruling against a union move to retain the clauses but render them ineffective.

Prison officer wins costs for sex, race harassment

A prison officer has been awarded more than $75,000 in costs by the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal, on top of an earlier $50,000 compensation payout for racial discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.

News in brief, March 4, 2003

New system allows electronic lodgment of AIRC documents; HREOC refuses Catholic bid for male-only teacher scholarships; PM says paid maternity leave proposal still on the table; Appeal rejected over standard of proof; Limited improvement in disability discrimination in employment, says HREOC; Managers failing to address risky, target-driven behaviour in mines; and New job for Tasmania's Patmore.

Costs imposed after employer "foolishly" refused to settle

The NSW IRC has awarded costs on top of a $19,000 compensation payout after it found an employer unfairly dismissed a worker and then refused to settle the case, despite being warned that its prospects of success were "not good".

News in brief, February 28, 2003

NSW government reminds managers to observe religious days; Abbott says he's considering referral rather than committed to it; Beattie launches new kit to claim unpaid wages; and Tongue stud dismissal case to be arbitrated.