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Costs imposed after employer "foolishly" refused to settle

The NSW IRC has awarded costs on top of a $19,000 compensation payout after it found an employer unfairly dismissed a worker and then refused to settle the case, despite being warned that its prospects of success were "not good".

News in brief, February 28, 2003

NSW government reminds managers to observe religious days; Abbott says he's considering referral rather than committed to it; Beattie launches new kit to claim unpaid wages; and Tongue stud dismissal case to be arbitrated.

Murray spells out which bills stand a chance

With the raft of IR bills currently before Parliament all dependent on the position the Democrats take, the party's Senator Andrew Murray today gave some insight into which pieces of legislation stand a chance and which don't.

Don't ignore women who want to stay at home: Hakim

Up to 30% of women view education and employment as a "marriage market" and want policies that support their desire to stay out of the workforce once they have children, UK sociologist Catherine Hakim has said.

Abbott agrees to Victoria's common rule referral

In a surprise move that will lead to more than half a million additional Victorian employees being covered by federal awards, WR Minister Tony Abbott has agreed in principle to accept the Victorian Government's referral of its common rule award power.

It was worth the pain: BHP Billiton

In a review of its 1999 decision to break with tradition and offer its award-based Pilbara workforce individual contracts, BHP Billiton says the take-up rate it achieved was high enough to give it the flexibility and adaptability it wanted.

Government's role to police IR: Abbott

Federal Workplace Relations Minister, Tony Abbott, is pressing home the message that law enforcement is high on the Government's agenda, telling a conference today that the issue will be a "significant priority in the months and years ahead".

Finger scan plans fails to get off ground

Qantas has abandoned plans to introduce finger-scanning technology to monitor attendance of employees working on the ramp at Tullamarine Airport, after a campaign against the move by the TWU.