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New deal for Qantas's domestic flight attendants

Qantas and the FAAA's domestic and regional division have struck an in-principle deal that provides 2,400 flight attendants a 3%-a-year pay rise and a 6% lump sum payment, while unions are set to publish an open letter appealing to the airline to soften its hardline IR approach.

Abbott appeals rejection of Grocon deal, Grocon stays out of it

Victorian IR Minister, Rob Hulls, has attacked the decision by federal Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott to appeal against the AIRC's refusal to certify the non-union deal Grocon got up during its stand-off last year with the CFMEU.

Transferred firefighter wins mortgage break-costs

A transferred NSW firefighter has won his claim for mortgage break-cost fees, in a state IRC decision that applies to all NSW public sector employees whose travel entitlements are covered by the general travel compensation award.

Australian workers at Pine Gap want equal pay with US colleagues

In the shadow of the looming war with Iraq, Australian employees of a US-based contractor at the remote Pine Gap joint defence facility are battling – so far unsuccessfully - to convince it that they are worth the same as the American citizens they are working beside.

Sacking a teacher not so onerous: WA Court of Appeal

The WA Government has won an appeal against a state IRC decision that overturned its sacking of a teacher, with the state Court of Appeal finding the disciplinary process followed was in line with statutory obligations.

News in brief, March 13

Booth takes over as Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commissioner; Former Sex Discrimination Commissioner to be Queensland Governor; and AIRC refuses time extension for year-late agreement certification application.

Dress code discriminatory, rules UK employment tribunal

In a case that could have reverberations in Australia, a UK employment tribunal has upheld a claim by a public servant who worked in a back-office role that his employer's strict insistence that he wear a tie constituted sexual discrimination.

Earring ban discriminatory, says tribunal

A male service station attendant has been awarded almost $17,000 in compensation for sex discrimination, after a NSW tribunal found he was dismissed for refusing to remove his earring.

Employers to face double caring needs of "sandwich generation"

A Canadian academic said today employers will have to respond to the caring needs of the emerging "sandwich generation" of employees, who face the challenge of caring for both ageing parents and young children at the same time.