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News in brief, April 3, 2003

Queensland IRC includes AWA rates in certified agreement; Greens urge adoption of 18 weeks paid parental leave; and Della Bosca retains IR portfolio in NSW.

More labour hire regulation required: Adecco

The employee relations manager of one of Australia's largest labour hire companies, Adecco, has supported further regulation of the industry - and spoken out against the concept of joint employment.

AWU concerned over labour hire decision

The AWU is "very concerned" at the implications of an AIRC decision which rejected an unfair dismissal action by six scaffolders against their labour hire employer.

Poor system played role in worker's negligence

The AIRC has ruled that even though a Telstra call centre employee was "habitually negligent" at work, the telco was wrong to summarily dismiss her because it failed to consider that its own inadequate IT system contributed to her conduct.

Green light for key Cole recommendations

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott will proceed with key recommendations of the Cole Royal Commission, after winning Cabinet's backing.

News in brief, April 1, 2003

Waterfront productivity falls away; First ruling on EEAs in WA; Right of entry win for WA CFMEU; and another Hungry Jack's deal fails no disadvantage test.

Court issues guidance on creditors' representation

The Federal Court has made it clear it is prepared to issue orders to allow unions to represent their members at creditors meetings, if they can prove there are exceptional circumstances.

Ansett employees win extra $8 million in entitlements

Hundreds of former Ansett employees have obtained an extra $8 million in entitlements following a Federal Court interpretation of the award and enterprise agreement covering the airline's licenced aircraft engineers.