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News in brief, March 28, 2003

Federal Court full bench rejects Gribbles and Amcor transmission of business appeals; and Federal Government issues response to employee share ownership report.

US law also trying to come to terms with non-standard employment

As Australian IR practitioners grapple with "who's the boss" issues, the head of the National Labor Relations Board in the US has revealed that the answer to the same question there can affect the whole bargaining process - even determining whether a workplace is unionised.

Senate outlaws bargaining fees

The Democrats have caved in and passed the Howard Government's bill to prohibit union bargaining fees in enterprise agreements, while there have also been other important new legislative developments.

Cole pushes for stringent entry regime

The Cole Royal Commission has called for a strict new entry system for the construction industry, with heavy penalties including disqualification of union officials and employees from holding union jobs.

Democrats cautious on Cole agenda

The Howard Government won't have been heartened by the Democrats' initial comments on the Cole Royal Commission's recommendations.

Unions to seek Senate veto on Cole changes

ACTU secretary Greg Combet says the Cole Commission has made an unjustified attack on the rights of construction workers, and that unions will now work to have the foreshadowed Cole legislation defeated in the Senate.

WA appeal court cuts compensation

The WA Supreme Court has slashed the amount of compensation won by a disabled worker who was discriminated against when an employer withdrew its offer of employment because he failed a medical test.

Cole recommends new watchdog, construction laws

The Cole Royal Commission has recommended setting up a new building industry watchdog and legislating to outlaw pattern bargaining, restrict protected action and further simplify awards.

Cole's state findings prepare ground for reform push

The Cole Royal Commission's scathing findings against construction industry players, particularly unions, in today's partial release of its findings, has prepared the ground for tomorrow's release, which will focus on reforming the industry.