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NSW award workers win safety net rise

The NSW IRC has today flowed-on to the State's award workers the $15 and $17 increases provided in the AIRC's May 6 safety net ruling.

Democrats cool on industry-specific laws, ABCC

The Democrats have accepted key findings of the Cole Royal Commission, but haven't yet been convinced of the need for industry-specific legislation for the building and construction sector, according to their leader.

Victoria to scrutinise labour hire

A Victorian Parliamentary committee will inquire into the State's labour hire industry and report back by the end of next year.

ACTU says cost of redundancy claim "negligible"

Granting the ACTU's claim for increased redundancy entitlements would add less than 0.1% to the national wages bill, the union peak body told the AIRC's redundancy test case full bench today.

HSUA targets aged care

The HSUA, which is running a major national campaign to organise the aged care industry, has today released a survey revealing that most aged care facilities are critically understaffed.

News in brief, May 23, 2003

Treasury boss says labour flexibility is the key to managing ageing workforce impacts; Morris McMahon pursues damages; ACCC takes action against gas site unions; and Abbott Cabinet submission concedes public sector union strategy is winning.

New award covers telco labour suppliers

Ten large labour hire companies that supply workers to Telstra have effectively been roped-in to the new Telecommunications Services Award.

Test case on trade practices compliance

A NSW IRC full bench has cleared the way for an employer body to argue that some clauses in ETU pattern agreements breach the Trade Practices Act, while the ACCC is also understood to be investigating the clauses.

Less is more when it comes to executive pay

NSW unions will push their trustees on super fund boards to use their influence to cap executive remuneration at $1.2m a year, after they released a university report today showing company performance declines when executive pay exceeds that level.