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Public sector wage growth hits 4%

Substantial award pay increases, particularly for NSW Government workers, have pushed growth in public sector hourly wage rates excluding bonuses for the March quarter to 1.7% and a record 4% for the year, according to the ABS.

Redundancies should be last resort, not first: US academic

Smart corporates such as online stockbroker Charles Schwab use redundancies as a last resort and view their workers as assets rather than costs, a keynote speaker told AHRI's national convention yesterday.

AIRC upgrades online lodgement regime

The AIRC has substantially upgraded its electronic lodgement system, allowing registered users to submit documents more easily and to pay unfair dismissal filing fees via a secure payments facility.

Tasmanian meatworks dispute still going

A bitter dispute at the Blue Ribbon meatworks in Launceston, Tasmania, has entered its seventh week, with a group of sacked workers maintaining a picket line at the site.

Telstra infrastructure deal gets up, new talks over job cuts

More than 12,000 Telstra infrastructure services workers have won pay rises of 10% over 30 months and have agreed to a new "supplementary" workforce under a s170LJ deal certified on Friday, while unions are seeking urgent negotiations with the telco over plans announced yesterday to cut up to 4,000 more jobs.

News in brief, May 19, 2003

National Jet pilot's dismissal upheld; NSW unions reveal more details of labour hire test case; and senior barrister says NSW anti-discrimination apparatus causing unnecessary delays, confusion.

Abbott must be dreaming on referral: Hulls

Victorian IR Minister Rob Hulls says Federal Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott is in "la-la land" if he thinks Victoria will accept conditions he has imposed for accepting the referral of the State's common rule award-making power.

NSW Labor Council boss backs unitary system

The secretary of the NSW Labor Council says he would be prepared to support a unitary IR system that drew on the best elements of State law.

McClelland outlines Labor's "partnership" policy

Workplace partnerships designed to create a "joint commitment to the enterprise and the success of the enterprise" are the centrepiece of the Federal Opposition's IR policy, outlined on the weekend by Labor's IR spokesperson, Robert McClelland.

TSI award safety net for call centres

An AIRC full bench has accepted the Telecommunications Service Industry award as an appropriate safety net for call centre workers at Global TeleSales.