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Show-and-tell clause in good faith bill

Employers would be required to disclose "relevant financial information" - including executive salaries and perks - under Labor's planned good faith bargaining laws.

Deloitte sells Re:sources business

There could be a new player in HR recruitment within a year, after Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu today sold its Deloitte Re:sources recruitment business to US listed company Resources Connection.

Abbott looks to double dissolution to cement his place in history?

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott may have given up his ambitions to become Prime Minister when John Howard steps aside (eventually). But if the Government acts on Abbott's threat to call a double dissolution election next year, he could achieve a revolution in Australia's IR system.

IR policy detour to avoid work/life collision

Working parents would have the right to share a year's paid parental leave and fathers would get two weeks off on the birth of a child under a radical agenda for reforming work-life balance advocated by a leading labour market researcher.

High Court test case on bargaining fees?

The NUW is considering a High Court appeal against the AIRC's refusal to certify two s170LJ agreements, in what would be a test case on whether bargaining fee and union notification clauses pertain to the employment relationship.

Little evidence of fraud, says Committee

A Federal Parliamentary Committee controlled by Coalition MPs has found scant evidence of employee rorting of workers' compensation and says the key change needed is greater national uniformity of systems.

Firefighter EAs aren't common law contracts

The Federal Court has rejected arguments by the United Firefighters' Union that its certified agreements constitute common law contracts, enforceable outside the Workplace Relations Act.

Upturn in HR and IR positions this year: survey

Demand for IR and HR positions has increased since January this year, after big corporates pared back their specialists in internal recruitment and training, according to a new salary survey.

Boeing Hawker de Havilland's redundancies fair: AIRC

A redundancy selection process implemented by an aircraft components manufacturer following a September 11-related downturn has survived a challenge by two of the employees chosen to go on the basis of their scores, with the AIRC finding they received a "fair go all round".