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AIRC says no to Abbott's Grocon review bid

Workplace Relations Minister, Tony Abbott, has failed to convince the AIRC to review a decision refusing to certify a non-union deal that Grocon made during the height of its Victorian dispute with the CFMEU.

News in brief, June 18, 2003

Appeal upholds paying AWA rates to certified agreement workers; Pussy comment bites worker; Ear stud sex discrimination ruling upheld; and BT moves on email transgressions.

ETU faces damages claims over Smorgon strike

Smorgon Steel, which has had electrical maintenance at its Laverton North steel mill hampered by a 114-day strike in support of the Victorian ETU's 36-hour claim in labour hire, is preparing to pursue common law damages against the union and its officials.

Bargaining agent fees OK in SA, but level under scrutiny

A senior full bench of the South Australian IRC has found that bargaining agents' fees can be included in an enterprise agreement. But it's warned it may be discriminatory to set a fee level equivalent to a full year's union dues.

News in brief, June 17, 2003

Sacking of delegate not discriminatory; Federal Labor introduces good faith bargaining bill; Labour hire deal no sham; How to avoid labour hire traps; and discrimination case really a contract dispute, says tribunal.

AIRC rebuffs non-union nightclub agreements

The AIRC has refused to accept undertakings to make three s170LK nightclub agreements certifiable, ruling that they changed the deals to such an extent that they had to be put to a new vote of employees.

Full bench quashes indirect sex bias ruling

The NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal has quashed a finding that the State Education Department indirectly discriminated against 13 female long-term casual teachers on the basis of their gender.