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Big employers face 30% redundancy cost increase: ACCI

The ACCI has today told the AIRC full bench hearing the redundancy test case that the ACTU's claim would impose massive cost imposts that would discourage essential business restructuring.

News in brief, June 20, 2003

Democrats expecting dismissal bill debate in August; Cole exposure draft expected in July; NSW to expand adoption leave; and CEPU seeks to broaden call centre coverage.

Deal struck at Hella; new laws go untested

The auto components dispute that was to set to provide the first test of new protected bargaining laws has been settled, with workers at Hella Australia yesterday afternoon voting up a pay offer of 15% over three years.

Sword dismissive of allegations against NUW

General secretary of the NUW, Greg Sword, has dismissed as "another attempt to stir up trouble" Workplace Relations Minister, Tony Abbott's referral to the Industrial Registrar of allegations of financial irregularities within the union's national office.

AIRC says no to Abbott's Grocon review bid

Workplace Relations Minister, Tony Abbott, has failed to convince the AIRC to review a decision refusing to certify a non-union deal that Grocon made during the height of its Victorian dispute with the CFMEU.

News in brief, June 18, 2003

Appeal upholds paying AWA rates to certified agreement workers; Pussy comment bites worker; Ear stud sex discrimination ruling upheld; and BT moves on email transgressions.

ETU faces damages claims over Smorgon strike

Smorgon Steel, which has had electrical maintenance at its Laverton North steel mill hampered by a 114-day strike in support of the Victorian ETU's 36-hour claim in labour hire, is preparing to pursue common law damages against the union and its officials.