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Abbott takes on car industry

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott has written to the four big car manufacturers and more than 40 of their suppliers asking them to consider whether they are giving away their management prerogative, after an IPA analysis of their agreements found they were ceding too much power to unions.

Lip-reading comment discriminatory, says VCAT

An office supply company discriminated against a profoundly deaf employee who relied on sign language to communicate when it asked her why she couldn't lip read, a tribunal has ruled.

Contractor site rates clause OK, says AIRC

A senior AIRC member has found lawful an agreement clause requiring that contractors and subcontractors pay site rates, as long as obligations are imposed via the employer party to the agreement and not directly on the contractors or subcontractors.

Cobar workers fight for jobs with new mine owners

The AWU is appealing a decision by the NSW IRC to rescind the consent award covering Pasminco's Elura mine near Cobar, arguing existing rates and conditions should apply and current workers should get preference of employment when new owners CBH take over at the site.

Telstra appeals redundancy ruling, as case settled

The CEPU is gearing up for another battle with Telstra over the forced redundancy of NSW workers, as the parties prepare for the corporation's appeal against last month's landmark interlocutory ruling on the powers conferred on the AIRC by dispute resolution clauses in certified agreements.

News in brief, August 7, 2003

Redundancy test case resumes in Melbourne today with AIG push for special insolvency consideration; No dirty deal at SCU, says CPSU; NSW Government might face asbestos disease payout; AIRC's Marsh to conciliate work and family case; Commission surviving curbs on its powers, says academic; and Qantas and unions in AIRC today over drug testing.

High Court blow to foreign shipping: AIRC has jurisdiction

In a landmark ruling with major implications for Australian shipping, the High Court's seven-member bench has unanimously held that the AIRC has jurisdiction over foreign ships and crew carrying domestic cargo on the Australian coast.

Parties agree on new PBR deal

More than 800 workers at Australia's largest brake manufacturer, PBR, have endorsed a new enterprise deal this week, averting planned industrial action and a secret ballot of employees scheduled for Friday.

NTEU pushes for no vote at SCU

Up to 700 employees at Southern Cross University are being urged to reject a proposed s170LJ enterprise agreement, amid claims from the NTEU that the university has refused to negotiate with it on the terms of the new deal.