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ACTU affiliation fee rise below inflation

The ACTU plans to increase levies on its affiliates by just 5.6% over the next three years, despite a shrinking overall union membership base.

Bracks threatens to go it alone

Victorian Premier Steve Bracks has threatened to go ahead with creating a State IR jurisdiction if WR Minister Tony Abbott fails to act on his promise to accept Victoria's further referral of IR powers.

Car components deal reached in bid to end strike

The strike threatening production in the car industry might be close to resolution, with workers at parts maker TI Automotive due to vote tomorrow on an in-principle deal struck this morning between the company and the AWU.

New union push to limit hours

Unions will push to cap hours at 48 a week and to reduce the standard working week to 35 hours, under a policy adopted by the ACTU's Congress meeting today, while Opposition Leader Simon Crean said Labor would introduce a new public interest test to protect working families.

QCU wins severance boost in TCR test case

The Queensland IRC has boosted redundancy entitlements for long-serving employees, but rejected other key parts of the unions' bid to boost TCR standards.

First award for contract call centres

In another important development in the regulation of frontier industries, an award has been made that could eventually cover tens of thousands of workers in contract call centres.