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NTEU pushes for no vote at SCU

Up to 700 employees at Southern Cross University are being urged to reject a proposed s170LJ enterprise agreement, amid claims from the NTEU that the university has refused to negotiate with it on the terms of the new deal.

$40K payout for denying part-time work after birth

In a ruling that underlines the need for employers to make every effort to accommodate female employees' requests to return to work part-time after maternity leave, a court has found a Federal agency unlawfully sexually discriminated against a manager when it insisted she resume full-time work.

News in brief, August 5, 2003

AIRC allows industrial action if safety issue not resolved; and US study says companies using wrong measures to assess HR departments' performance.

Urine tests no measure of impairment, say rail unions

NSW rail workers will be subject to random drug and alcohol tests under new regulations to be introduced by the end of the week, despite union claims that the new tests will not measure employees' actual impairment.

Marijuana dismissal unfair due to different treatment

The AIRC has ruled that a salesman's dismissal for smoking marijuana at a work New Years Eve party was unfair because two other employees sharing the joint with him did not have their employment terminated.

Sunday work fair despite religious beliefs

The Queensland IRC has cleared a radio station of discrimination and victimisation claims, after finding that its requirement that an announcer take part in provocative promotions and work on Sunday were reasonable despite his religious beliefs.

Work/family policies fundamentally sound: PM

The ACTU says the Howard Government is abandoning working families, after the Prime Minister backed away from work and family reforms, saying the current policy mix is "about right in providing effective choice for parents".

Rail talks heat up over "backtrack" claims

Rail unions are preparing for a showdown with Pacific National after the consortium said unions had backtracked on several clauses already agreed to in the parties' proposed enterprise agreement.

Unions to seek hours cap, $500 minimum wage

Unions will commit to a goal of capping weekly hours at 48 a week and seek an increase in the federal minimum weekly wage to $500 and a rise in super contributions to 10%, under draft policies to go before the ACTU's triennial Congress later this month. They are also expected to approve a substantial increase in membership fees to fund organising and renewal.