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AIRC stiffens public interest test for ending agreements

Geelong Wool Combing, which has locked out almost 100 employees from its Corio site for the past five months, has made a revised application to terminate its expired 2001 agreement with the TCFU, after the AIRC refused to do so on Friday.

MBA calls for tightening of Cole bargaining curbs

The Master Builders Association has called for more far-reaching changes to some areas of bargaining than those recommended by the Cole Royal Commission into the construction industry.

Further Victorian referral moves closer

The Federal Government this week came a step closer to accepting the referral of the hundreds of thousands of Victorian workers still covered by just five minimum conditions, with Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott sending his Victorian counterpart Rob Hulls draft legislation dealing with the matter.

Cole draft ready next week and to reach Parliament in November

The Federal Government will within a week have ready an exposure draft of the legislation it plans to introduce in response to the Cole Royal Commission into the building and construction industry, Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott said today.

News in brief, September 4, 2003

AFL-CIO urges Bush Administration to make US-Australia free trade agreement contingent on meeting core labour standards; New cross-industry union in the US; ACCI urges reduction in AIRC role by introducing voluntary mediation; and work and family case being conciliated today.

Telstra's Fair Treatment Policy is unfair: AIRC

In another blow to Telstra's attempt to shift away from third party intervention in IR, the AIRC has agreed with the CPSU that the communication giant's policy of denying representation to workers involved in individual disputes is unfair.

Guideline to open way for more investor scrutiny of companies' IR practices

Companies' IR practices are likely to be scrutinised more closely by investors, following the release by the ASIC of a new guideline that will help consumers understand whether and to what extent investment products - including superannuation - take into account labour standards.

News in brief, September 3, 2003

Football players boycott event to pressure employers; WA labour hire companies moving towards being covered by State metals award; OEA passes on $6,000 penalty payment to subcontractor threatened by Queensland BLF; and full bench refers bid to stop AIRC dealing with Hamersley award.

Suspension of bargaining period averts car strike

The AIRC has suspended a bargaining period at car parts supplier TI Automotive's Adelaide plant, after finding a strike planned for today and tomorrow and continuing overtime bans threatened significant damage to the welfare of more than 8,000 South Australian car industry workers.