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Poorly worded policy makes dismissal unfair

A firefighter sacked for a serious safety breach has won his unfair dismissal claim after the AIRC found that his employer's policy on dealing with fuel spills was "poorly worded".

Commission refuses orders against construction stoppages

The AIRC has this morning refused to issue s127 orders to halt stopworks in construction that began in Melbourne today, but has directed unions to tell members to return to work afterwards.

Potentially unlawful income splitting arrangement bites executive

In two decisions dealing with the employment rights of executives, a manager has unsuccessfully argued that he was below the unfair dismissal income cap because he split his income with his wife and an accountant has lost his claim for redundancy entitlements.

News in brief, October 7, 2003

Decision tomorrow on construction stopworks; PM reveals plans for maternity payment; Hallis to expand absences survey; and industrial action at Sydney University and NSW public hospitals today.

AIRC refuses Andrews' intervention bid

The AIRC has rejected a bid by new Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews - just hours after he was sworn in - to intervene in support of construction companies seeking urgent s127 orders against stoppages in the construction sector that are to begin tomorrow.

AIRC is guardian of the safety net: Justice Kirby

The AIRC embodies Australia's credo of industrial equality and justice and continues to be the guardian of the safety net for workers, despite the changes in the law and the devolution of IR to the workplace, the High Court's Justice Michael Kirby said today.

News in brief, October 6, 2003

Redeployed NSW public servant wins unfair contract claim; Timetable for Cole Bill "unrealistic", says Democrats leader; and One Nation torpedoes Howard Government's IR plans in tertiary education.

$10,000 payout for manager's loss of status

Drug company Merck Sharpe & Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd sexually discriminated against a female manager when it failed to return her to a comparable job after maternity leave, the Federal Magistrates Court has ruled today.

SA Court finds workers are independent contractors

In a landmark ruling today, South Australia's Supreme Court has ruled that interviewers employed by Roy Morgan Research Centre Pty Ltd are genuinely independent contractors.