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AIRC refuses Andrews' intervention bid

The AIRC has rejected a bid by new Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews - just hours after he was sworn in - to intervene in support of construction companies seeking urgent s127 orders against stoppages in the construction sector that are to begin tomorrow.

AIRC is guardian of the safety net: Justice Kirby

The AIRC embodies Australia's credo of industrial equality and justice and continues to be the guardian of the safety net for workers, despite the changes in the law and the devolution of IR to the workplace, the High Court's Justice Michael Kirby said today.

News in brief, October 6, 2003

Redeployed NSW public servant wins unfair contract claim; Timetable for Cole Bill "unrealistic", says Democrats leader; and One Nation torpedoes Howard Government's IR plans in tertiary education.

$10,000 payout for manager's loss of status

Drug company Merck Sharpe & Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd sexually discriminated against a female manager when it failed to return her to a comparable job after maternity leave, the Federal Magistrates Court has ruled today.

SA Court finds workers are independent contractors

In a landmark ruling today, South Australia's Supreme Court has ruled that interviewers employed by Roy Morgan Research Centre Pty Ltd are genuinely independent contractors.

Blue Ribbon arrangements contrived, a sham: Tasmanian IRC

Tasmania's Industrial Commission has reinstated 17 meatworkers who picketed in protest at their dismissal for 182 days outside the Launceston plant of their employer, which had engaged in "sham" independent contractor arrangements and put in place a contrived company structure.

News in brief, October 2, 2003

BCA says survey results shows no need for regulation of work and family measures; AIRC reverses outsourcing of Brisbane registry; HREA changes name; and two NSW industrial barristers take silk.

Queensland IRC streamlines processes

Administrative changes in the Queensland IRC have led to a substantial reduction in processing times for cases, according to a senior Commission member.