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News in brief, November 19, 2003

NSW secure employment test case to be heard in May next year; Survey suggests wage pressure building; and MUA launches book on its former in-house film-making unit.

Union fails in bid to protect outsourced workers

The CPSU's Victorian branch is considering running a transmission of business case in the Federal Court to protect a group of outsourced workers employed under AWAs, after an AIRC full bench today threw out its bid to clarify their benchmark award.

Nurses focus on rostering in new bargaining campaign

The Victorian branch of the ANF has today launched a campaign against a Government plan to replace current nurse-patient ratios with a computerised rostering program that the union says will increase workloads and drive nurses away from the public health system.

Driver only operations last obstacle for Pacific National

Pacific National is waiting for unions to respond to a proposal on driver-only arrangements for its NSW train drivers, which it says is the only issue standing in the way of an in-principle deal for more than 3,000 rail workers.

Partnership contract unfair, rules NSW IRC

In a s106 ruling in a partnership case, the NSW IRC has ordered the owner of a recycling yard to pay his former business partner more than $315,000 after finding that the contract between the two was unfair.

Woodlawn mineworkers to receive entitlements

Some 175 former Woodlawn mineworkers look certain to receive $5m in outstanding entitlements, after the NSW Opposition vowed to support special legislation introduced today by the Carr Government to overcome a court decision that stymied the payout.

Is the AIRC a court?

Four employees of a failed company can seek redundancy payments in the AIRC without getting the permission of a court, following an important full bench ruling.

AIRC bench upholds power to make interim orders

Employers who wish to avoid the AIRC using private arbitration provisions to issue interim restraining orders should review the wording of the dispute settlement provisions in their agreements, after a full bench today upheld the Commission's power to make such orders.

Potential overlap no barrier to WA labour hire award

An AIRC full bench has allowed the AMWU to seek a new award regulating WA's labour hire industry, after rejecting an attempt by labour supplier Select Industrial to restrain the State Commission from hearing the application because it potentially overlaps with its federal award.

New deal certified for MCG project

The lengthy dispute between Grocon and the CFMEU over a site agreement for the MCG redevelopment project has been formally resolved, with the AIRC agreeing to certify a new deal this afternoon.