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Change the NSW IR Act so contract disputes aren't split: barrister

The NSW Government should consider amending the state IR Act to give the Supreme Court of NSW jurisdiction to determine section 106 unfair contract proceedings when it is dealing with associated claims, according to a Sydney barrister.

CFMEU avoids massive costs claim

The CFMEU (mining & energy division) has escaped relatively cheaply from its unsuccessful Federal Court attempt to bring coal mineworkers' superannuation up to community standard, with the Court ruling it didn't have to pay the costs of thirty of the coal companies joined to the case, or of the Commissioner of Taxation.

Maternity pay boost for Brisbane Council

A new agreement covering Brisbane City Council's 8,000 employees phases in an increase in paid maternity leave from nine to 14 weeks, doubles paid paternity leave to two weeks and provides a 3.9% a year pay increase.

Full bench rules on private arbitration powers

In an important decision on the AIRC's private arbitration powers, a full bench of the Commission has rejected arguments by Qantas Flight Catering Limited that the AIRC had no jurisdiction to arbitrate its dispute with the ASU, or to summons documents and witnesses.

Terminating Capcoal deal part of the "cut and thrust" of bargaining

In the latest development in the bargaining battle between the CFMEU (mining & energy division) and Anglo Coal at the Capcoal central colliery in Queensland, the AIRC has agreed to terminate the site's expired enterprise agreement.

FSU president backed by unions for ANZ board job

The ANZ will soon face a new campaign of shareholder activism, with a union push underway to elect FSU national president Joy Buckland to the bank's board.

CPI up 0.6% in quarter, 2.6% annually

Consumer prices are rising at 2.6% a year, after increasing by just 0.6% in the September quarter and zero in the previous quarter, according to the ABS.

Union recommends new defence deal

The CPSU has recommended a new agreement for about 18,000 civilian defence employees that increases paid parental leave and provides a 10% pay rise over 30 months.