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SA bus drivers call off strike

The AIRC has temporarily staved off industrial action by more than 500 bus drivers employed by Serco Australia, as the company considers a new proposal put forward by the TWU.

Wages up in private sector agreements

In a sign that wage pressure is building, growth in private sector enterprise agreements has hit a three-year high of 4.2% a year, according to the DEWR.

AHRI to be respondent to award

The country's leading unregistered representative body for HR practitioners faces being made respondent to a federal award that will bring its employees' conditions into line with tertiary education employment standards.

News in brief, December 11, 2003

New hurdle for McDonald entry permit bid; Living Wage Case starts tomorrow; Administrator starts paying out $150m to former Ansett workers; and Senate Cole inquiry starts today in Canberra.

AMWU buys a safe house for Cameron

The AMWU is taking the recent attacks on its national secretary, Doug Cameron, so seriously that it has purchased a secure house and relocated him and his family there.

Court frees speech for public servants

The Federal Court has today struck down a regulation restricting public disclosure of information by federal public servants, in a case brought by a union official and Customs officer who was all but barred by his department head from speaking to the media.

Deed of release is just that

A deed of release signed by an employee in return for a workers compensation payout has prevented him from proceeding with a discrimination claim.

Sydney Uni agreement sets pace on paid parental leave

After a bargaining process that was disrupted by the Howard Government's failed IR reforms in higher education, Sydney University and the NTEU have today signed an agreement that sets a new benchmark for paid parental leave in the sector, pays a 20% increase over 44 months and caps casual employment.