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Negotiations to begin on SA's draft IR bill

South Australia's Rann Labor Government has dropped some of the more controversial recommendations of the Stevens Review in its new draft IR bill, but the legislation still contains a swathe of changes that will significantly strengthen the State's safety net.

Sacked manager wins $800,000-plus

A plant manager who was dismissed for poor performance has won an unfair contracts claim, with the NSW IRC awarding him $679,456 plus $US111,848 in options.

IRC recommends new drug policy trial at BHP

A full bench of the NSW IRC has recommended trialling for a year a new drug and alcohol policy at BHP's Port Kembla steelworks following another attempt by the AWU to change the company's existing position, which it maintains is "draconian".

Christmas wishes

For our final story of the year, Workplace Express asked those involved in the big IR events of 2003 to rewrite the year so that it turned out exactly how they would have liked it to. This is what they said . . .

News in brief, December 19, 2003

No Joy for Buckland on ANZ board; AMWU and AiG sign off on car company deal; Discontent within Workers First?; and new name for CSR Staff Association.

Paper workers win super rise, while DVA workers get 4% a year

About 1,100 employees at four paper mills in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania have won a wage increase of 4.6% a year and an average superannuation increase of 2% over three years, while 2,600 Department of Veterans' Affairs employees have won new paid leave entitlements.

Big payout for executive who was misled

An electronic payments company chief executive lured to the job by an executive search company's misleading representations has won a total payment of $1.9m, in an unfair contract ruling by the NSW IRC.

Rio Tinto loses stay bid over Blair Athol workers

The CFMEU (mining & energy division) today won the latest round in its five-year battle with Rio Tinto over the fate of the 16 former Blair Athol workers, with a full bench of the Federal Court rejecting the company's application for a stay of the AIRC order that they be given preference of employment at the nearby Hail Creek mine.