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Austrade seeks termination of old agreement

Austrade is trying to convince the AIRC its old agreement can be terminated without disadvantaging senior executive employees who are excluded from its current agreement, certified late last year.

Most new employees now acquired via internet and referrals

A US study of 41 large companies with advanced recruitment practices has shown that they acquire more than 60% of their new full-time employees via the internet and employee referrals and that these channels are continuing to grow.

NT council employees win 14 weeks paid maternity leave

In a pacesetting deal for local government, some 134 employees of Alice Springs Town Council have won 14 weeks paid maternity leave under the terms of a new agreement struck with the ASU and the LHMU.

Discussions underway for new BoQ agreement

The FSU will meet with the Bank of Queensland in early February to continue discussions on a proposed new agreement to cover around 400 network and clerical employees, with pay increases of 5.5% a year and a "reasonable span of hours" set to be key union demands.

News in brief, January 23, 2004

NSW teachers postpone industrial action, but Victorians to go ahead; and 500 workers threaten further industrial action after stopwork at Queensland cannery.

New paid parental leave entitlement at AIR

Australian Industrial Registry employees can now take a week's parental leave from their personal leave, in addition to their longstanding entitlement to 12 weeks paid maternity leave, under a new s170LJ deal certified by the Commission yesterday.