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Vic teachers stop work tomorrow

Victorian teachers will undertake a 24 hour stoppage tomorrow, with threats of ongoing industrial action if a new agreement is not reached by next term.

News in brief, March 1, 2004

Transmission bill expected to pass Senate today; Construction officials can't be excused from filing defence, says court; NZ raises minimum wage by 5.9%; and No women on work and family full bench.

News in brief, February 27, 2004

Unions seek Victorian common rule award test case; AMWU's Camillo facing six challengers but Cameron a shoe-in; Australia ahead of world in providing flexibility for working mothers; and Pacific National certified today.

Who owns your work? Supreme Court rules on academics' invention

In an important decision dealing with intellectual property, workplace policy, out-of-hours work, public service, and fiduciary duty, the Victoria University of Technology has won the right to shares in a company set up by two of its senior academics to market their invention, but not the right to the patent itself.

Representative's "blackmail" warrants disciplinary action: AIRC

A sacked worker's representative made threats during conciliation that amounted to blackmail and warranted disciplinary action, a senior AIRC member has ruled in throwing out the case because of its poor prospects of success.

Dismissal briefs, February 27, 2004

Worker compensated after post-dispute bad blood; Qantas worker who failed to follow cash procedures fails to win job back; and anger management training a better alternative than sacking long-serving hammer-wielding worker.

Lack of tenure detracts from independence, says president

In a rare public intervention in the political sphere, SA IR Court and Commission President Judge Bill Jennings has urged the Rann Government to reintroduce tenure for members of the Commission, in a submission on the draft Fair Work Bill.