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Shipping deal delivers on productivity, gets Australians up gangways

In a major development in shipping, CSL and two of the maritime unions have struck deals for the company's new vessel that provide training for a guaranteed Australian crew and deliver productivity improvements that CSL says will help cement its role in Australia and allow it to seriously look at expanding its business.

Sword to leave NUW

NUW secretary Greg Sword has resigned from his job after 19 years, in a move that could see a realignment of forces within both the union and the Victorian ALP.

News in brief, February 11, 2004

Barton to be Queensland's new IR Minister; New NAB boss wants partnership with FSU; and Federal Labor to axe super schemes for MPs and judges.

ANF to appeal decision on aged care agreement

The ANF will appeal the AIRC's refusal to certify an agreement for a Victorian aged care hostel, after the AIRC found the hostel had withdrawn from the agreement before employees approved it.

Mother forced to travel fails in indirect discrimination appeal

The NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal has dismissed an appeal by a WorkCover Authority senior manager with two small children who claimed indirect discrimination when her office was moved from the Sydney CBD to the Central Coast.

Tribunal finds flu is an impairment

An employee whose rostered shift times were changed because she had been absent from work with influenza was discriminated against on the basis of her impairment, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has found.

Bench criticises 11-month delay and poor processes

A senior AIRC full bench has heavily criticised a Commission member for delays, legal errors and poor processes that have held up the certification of a s170LK agreement lodged with the Commission some 13 months ago.

Tasmanian IRC finds welfare work undervalued

More than 1,000 Tasmanian social and community services workers look set to receive a pay rise and revised award classifications, after the Tasmanian IRC accepted that their work value had increased.

News in brief, February 9, 2004

Strong economic growth could drive up wages in 2005, says Reserve; Work and family debate needs new focus on work patterns of fathers, says new study of children's views about their parents' work; Free trade deal threatens domestic jobs, says ACTU; AIRC chairs bargaining between Victorian public service, while prison officers back at work; Substantial frontbench reshuffle expected after Beattie's big win; Federal Magistrates Court now hearing 65% of federal discrimination claims; and ILO says benefits of eliminating child labour outweigh costs.