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World-renowned HR expert to speak in Australia

Internationally-renowned speaker, author and consultant on HR metrics, Dr John Sullivan, is to speak in Australia in May, in two forums sponsored by Workplace Express.

Legislation gives AIRC power to make interim s127 orders

The AIRC will now have the power to issue interim s127 orders to halt unlawful industrial action, after heavily amended legislation passed the Parliament today, while four other IR bills have been referred to a Senate committee.

News in brief, March 2, 2004

Transmission bill passes Parliament; AIRC's Cartwright to head up Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal; CFMEU pleads guilty to coercion at Sydney's Sutherland Hospital; CEOs outline benefits of better gender equity; Updates for papers on federal parliamentary remuneration and super; and parties ordered to pay own costs in NSW sex offender exemption case.

Vic teachers stop work tomorrow

Victorian teachers will undertake a 24 hour stoppage tomorrow, with threats of ongoing industrial action if a new agreement is not reached by next term.

News in brief, March 1, 2004

Transmission bill expected to pass Senate today; Construction officials can't be excused from filing defence, says court; NZ raises minimum wage by 5.9%; and No women on work and family full bench.

News in brief, February 27, 2004

Unions seek Victorian common rule award test case; AMWU's Camillo facing six challengers but Cameron a shoe-in; Australia ahead of world in providing flexibility for working mothers; and Pacific National certified today.

Who owns your work? Supreme Court rules on academics' invention

In an important decision dealing with intellectual property, workplace policy, out-of-hours work, public service, and fiduciary duty, the Victoria University of Technology has won the right to shares in a company set up by two of its senior academics to market their invention, but not the right to the patent itself.