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Interim Building taskforce to become permanent

In what appears to be an acknowledgment by the Howard Government that its Cole legislation will at best be heavily amended, Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has today upgraded the building taskforce to a permanent body.

Round two in the AIRC scheduled for former ABC presenter

The AIRC has found that the ABC breached its enterprise agreement when it refused to re-appoint former Radio National presenter Susanna Lobez to her role on The Law Report after a period of leave.

Court stymies CFMEU's entry win

The Federal Court has issued an interlocutory injunction to stop the CFMEU's construction & general division from exercising the right it won in the State IRC last week to enter without notice the $650 million ammonia plant construction site in the State's north-west.

Almost three out of 10 women sexually harassed at work: HREOC

Results of a national survey released by HREOC today reveal 28% of women and 7% of men have experienced sexual harassment at some time of their working lives, while in a surprise finding, almost 20% of workplace harassment is perpetrated by women against men.

SA public sector strike to go ahead on Friday

The SA Government was unable to convince the State's IRC this morning to halt public sector stoppages planned for this Friday as part of the PSA's push for a better wages offer.