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News in brief, March 17, 2004

WA gender gap review should focus on causes of gap, not its size; ASU claims 18% for Tassie SACS workers; Telecommuting uptake slow due to OHS, technology concerns; and AIRC revokes NTEU demarcation order.

BCA resumes role in IR policy debate

The Business Council of Australia has returned to the IR policy arena, after its national council yesterday made it one of five priorities for the next year.

Report concedes small impact of safety net rise

Last year's safety net increase led to a 0.2% reduction in labour demand, while freezing the minimum wage for five years would create demand for an extra 250,000 jobs, according to a report the Federal Government commissioned for the 2004 safety net review.

Funeral worker's transfer unlawful: AIRC

A funeral services company that sought to transfer an employee to another branch has been told that the transfer is unlawful, as the employee's place of work was specified on induction and was his primary reason for accepting the position.

USU wins 35 hour week for female community services workers

About 500 predominantly female senior community services employees will enjoy the 35-hour-week worked by other local government employees after the USU succeeded in a bid in the NSW IRC to vary the local government award.

Sheetmetal workers win early casual conversion rights

About 20 employees of Barfab Sheet Metal in Salisbury (Queensland) have won casual conversion rights after 12 weeks while labour hire workers at the site can convert after 16 weeks, under a newly certified agreement.

Latham sets new retirement incomes goal

Opposition Leader Mark Latham has today announced a new retirement income goal - "65 at 65" - and has set out to differentiate Labor's policy from that of the Coalition, which he labelled as "work till you drop".

McAlpine appointed to Tasmanian Industrial Commission

Jim McAlpine, a former senior executive at Pasminco and ICI, has been appointed to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission, after long-serving Commission member Bob Watling moved on in January.