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News in brief, April 27, 2004

Mining employers claim Labor committed to "workable" non-union agreement stream; Employers and unions at odds over employee records protection; New paper on parliamentary super; Unfair contract claim by long-serving senior employee not a dismissal claim in disguise, says NSW IRC; High Court to hear special leave bid on whether employer required to provide work for reinstated worker; and NSW IRC in Court Session accepts first victim impact statements.

AIRC to hear bus driver's dismissal claim 237 days out of time

The AIRC has confirmed a ruling that allowed a bus driver to lodge a dismissal application 237 days late, after finding that his case in the NSW Transport Appeals Board did not constitute "prior proceedings" for the purposes of the Workplace Relations Act.

BCA backs the barbecue stopper

The BCA has urged the adoption of better work and family policies, in order to stop fertility falling below 1.65 babies per woman and boost Australia's population and workforce.

Three employers are common enterprise: AIRC

The AIRC has accepted that three related employers in a coffee shop chain are a common enterprise, and can therefore lodge an application for a single non-union agreement.

News in brief, April 23

Victorian nurses/Government in compulsory conference as beds closed statewide; Double challenge to dismissal settled; and AIRC amends work and family directions.

Pregnant flight attendant claims Qantas discriminatory

A senior Qantas long haul flight attendant is seeking a finding in the Federal Magistrates Court that the airline discriminated against her because of her sex, pregnancy and family responsibilities.