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Coinvest seeks to stop long service leave change

Victoria's statutory portable long service leave scheme for the construction industry will get a chance to argue against a variation to an employer's agreement that allowed it to bypass the scheme, following an AIRC full bench decision yesterday.

Bill renews small business severance exemption

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has today introduced legislation to restore the exemption for small businesses from making severance payments.

NSW teachers to go out on Thursday

The NSW Teachers Federation has called on members to go out for 24 hours this Thursday and to prepare for a further stoppage on Wednesday, June 2.

4.3% rise at Bank of Queensland; little progress in FSU-CBA talks

The Bank of Queensland and the FSU have struck a new agreement that provides a 4.3% annual pay increase, introduces six weeks paid parental leave, extends loadings and overtime payments and makes weekend work voluntary, while on another front the union might be moving closer to industrial action at the CBA.