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Non-union deal delivers more to private school teachers

Teachers and support staff at the private Knox School in Melbourne's outer east have won a 14% pay rise over three years - well above the 12% over four years won recently by teachers in Victorian government schools.

Wheels turn in drivers' favour in s170MX arbitration

South Australian bus drivers involved in a protracted bargaining dispute with a contractor to the State Government have won an 8% pay rise, increased minimum daily hours and free black shoes under an award arbitrated by the AIRC.

AIRC bench shuts the door on regular short-term casuals

In a crucial decision, an AIRC full bench has found today that the landmark Cetin decision is no longer relevant and that regular and systematic casuals employed for less than a year can't claim unfair dismissal, unless there is a discrimination element to their case.

NSW teachers call off industrial action

The NSW Teachers Federation has called off the stopwork meeting it planned for this Friday, in the wake of the Carr Government yesterday revealing in the State Budget that it would fully fund the 12% arbitrated pay rise awarded to teachers this month.

Work and family case to proceed without MBA part-time bid

A five-member AIRC full bench has today refused a Master Builders Australia bid to expand the work and family test case to include its application to introduce part-time work in the construction sector.

Further talks on Friday on common rule intervention

AIRC Vice President Iain Ross will this Friday convene a conciliation conference in a further bid to resolve issues relating to the intervention of superannuation funds in the Victorian common rule awards test case.

Qantas sets up London base to save $18m

Qantas has announced plans to establish a base for 400 cabin crew in London by the middle of 2005 and slash costs by $18m a year, with existing flight attendants to be given priority for the jobs.

Democrats trash Cole Bill after $65m spent on inquiry

The Democrats have today dashed the Howard Government's hopes of passing its Cole legislation, revealing the party will oppose passage of the bill "outright", because it "cannot be salvaged or amended".