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News in brief, July 1, 2004

Decision confirms scope of metal industry award; and WA CCI offers new legal services.

Employer struck right balance on family responsibilities, says AIRC

The Australian Customs Service struck the right balance between its operational needs and an employee's family needs when it offered him a compromise that would have avoided the need to move more than 1500km away from his children and estranged wife, the AIRC has found in an unfair dismissal ruling.

McIlwain to be the new Employment Advocate; AWAs reach 500,000 mark

Deputy Employment Advocate Peter McIlwain is to replace Jonathan Hamberger as Employment Advocate, after his appointment to the AIRC last Friday, while AWAs have reached the half million mark seven years after they first became available.

News in brief, June 29, 2004

Expert panel recommends industrial manslaughter offence in NSW; US lagging on work and family, says report; No need for further regulation of executive pay, says BCA; NSW IRC to hear teachers' pay case in late August; Ansett administrator to start paying workers' entitlements again in 2005; and PC study to include review of secondary boycott provisions.

AIRC removes postal union official's entry permit

Victorian postal union leader Joan Doyle has had her entry permit revoked, after the AIRC found she had entered an Australia Post mail centre and incited workers to walk off the job and acted improperly at other workplaces.

Unions avoid proposed party delegates law

Federal Parliament on the weekend passed new laws beefing up the powers of the Building Industry Taskforce, but at the last minute dropped a provision that required unions to win authorisation from members before nominating delegates to a political party.

BIT gets more bite as new laws pass

The Building Industry Taskforce has won new powers to force witnesses to give evidence and produce documents, after the House of Representatives yesterday passed amendments to the Codifying Contempt legislation in a special Saturday morning sitting.