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News in brief, June 29, 2004

Expert panel recommends industrial manslaughter offence in NSW; US lagging on work and family, says report; No need for further regulation of executive pay, says BCA; NSW IRC to hear teachers' pay case in late August; Ansett administrator to start paying workers' entitlements again in 2005; and PC study to include review of secondary boycott provisions.

AIRC removes postal union official's entry permit

Victorian postal union leader Joan Doyle has had her entry permit revoked, after the AIRC found she had entered an Australia Post mail centre and incited workers to walk off the job and acted improperly at other workplaces.

Unions avoid proposed party delegates law

Federal Parliament on the weekend passed new laws beefing up the powers of the Building Industry Taskforce, but at the last minute dropped a provision that required unions to win authorisation from members before nominating delegates to a political party.

BIT gets more bite as new laws pass

The Building Industry Taskforce has won new powers to force witnesses to give evidence and produce documents, after the House of Representatives yesterday passed amendments to the Codifying Contempt legislation in a special Saturday morning sitting.

Hamberger, DEWR's Lloyd appointed to AIRC

Employment Advocate Jonathan Hamberger and DEWR deputy secretary John Lloyd have today been appointed to the AIRC as senior deputy presidents, while Australian Business Limited's Anna McPhee is the new head of the equal opportunity agency.

Anything but quiet on AMWU front

There have been some significant internal developments within the AMWU, with the national council taking more steps to keep Craig Johnston out, national secretary Doug Cameron getting a $360,000 union loan to help buy his safe house, a national conference looming - and a wedding for Victorian branch secretary, Dave Oliver.

PC to report on ageing workforce issues

The PC is to deliver a report by late March next year on the productivity and labour supply implications of the ageing workforce, while the Federal Government has rejected the key recommendations of its report on OHS and workers compensation.

Tell that one to the Commission: ETU to explain mass sickie

Victorian power distributor TXU was this morning seeking a s166A certificate over the mass sickie - caused by "24-hour ETU flu" according to the company and "lineitis" according to the union - staged by its maintenance workforce yesterday.

CBA workers to go out for 24 hours

Up to 20,000 CBA employees are to strike for 24 hours next Friday, after bargaining between the bank and the FSU stalled over pay and staffing issues.