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Full bench reserves on Victorian common rule awards

Eleven years after the Kennett Government abolished Victorian awards, 350,000 of the State's workers have today moved a step closer to having their employment regulated by federal common rule awards, after an AIRC full bench reserved its decision on the rollout of the new system.

AIRC grants extra 48 hours for talks on common rule awards

The AIRC Victorian common rule test case full bench today granted a request by the parties to be able to continue negotiating for a further two days before the start of hearings to determine the way the new award provisions will be rolled out from January next year.

News in brief, August 3, 2004

$19 Living Wage rise passed on to Tasmanian award workers; AIRC conciliating Victorian ambulance dispute; Directions hearing for WA redundancy test case next week, ahead of November hearings; WA public sector workers win 7.6% over two years in first consent arbitration under new laws; High Court allows worker to have his day in court to argue common law injury susceptibility claim; and Former PM Keating's right-hand-man says Federal Labor set to reintroduce the worst of the old awards system.

Create new standards for flexible work, says Buchanan

The rise of casual work needs to be met by devising new, sustainable labour standards for flexibility, using models such as the construction industry's portable long service leave scheme, IR academic John Buchanan told a conference today.

Chicken Littles wrong on Labor's casual conversion policy, says Emerson

Chicken Littles in the Howard Government and the business community should stop squawking and recognise that the casual conversion clauses in 29 federal and 37 state awards haven't made the sky fall in, according to Shadow Workplace Relations Minister, Craig Emerson.

New research shows casuals unhappy and prefer permanency

Two-thirds of casuals are negative about their employment status and three-quarters would prefer to convert to permanent jobs, according to a new study released today, while other new research finds Australia has an internationally high level of casualisation that threatens to undermine overall employment conditions.

LHMU rejects hand dealt by Star City

Workers at Sydney's Star City casino will take strike action this weekend in support of their claim for a 10% wage increase over two years.