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Shipping companies move to lower the safety net

In a major development in shipping, CSL and ship management company ISM are seeking to pull out of the industry award and be bound instead by a new award containing significantly different terms and conditions.

Qantas to pay $35m in bonuses to employees

Qantas, which today announced a record profit before tax of $965m for 2003-04, has announced plans to immediately pay a $1,000 bonus to its 35,000 Australian employees and boost paid parental and carers leave.

BIT might not get a chance to use its new teeth

The Building Industry Taskforce still has some significant parliamentary hurdles to face before it can exercise its new powers to force witnesses to give evidence and hand over documents.

Data suggests labour shortage failing to feed into wages growth

Today's ABS Wage Cost Index lends support to the Reserve Bank's suggestion last week that labour shortages are not yet driving up aggregate wages, with annual trend growth slipping to the lowest level since late 2002 and quarterly growth of just 0.8%.

Bench says employer's selection process unfair

A Victorian tannery has failed to convince the AIRC to overturn a finding that the redundancy selection process it undertook after a business downturn was unfair.

AIRC reverses Kennett revolution in Victoria

More than 11 years after the Kennett Government abolished Victorian awards, hundreds of thousands of the State's workers are set to be covered by federal common rule awards, after the AIRC today rubber-stamped a consent deal for the transition to the new system.