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News in brief, September 3, 2004

5% interim pay rise for NSW aged care nurses; Labour productivity growth at six-year high; NSW enterprise and contract agreements now available online; BCA warns that Greens will push Labor IR agenda to the Left; Letter to the editor from Bob Whyburn; and Forsyth moves to Corrs.

Electrolux: The ramifications

Yesterday's High Court Electrolux decision handed the AiG a straightforward victory on the three key planks of its appeal, but it also created uncertainty over significant bargaining issues, including the validity of a raft of certified agreements and the type of provisions now likely to be deemed as not pertaining to the employment relationship.

High Court victory for AiG in Electrolux case

In a major win for employers, the High Court has today by a six-to-one majority held that protected action can only be taken in pursuit of claims about matters pertaining to the employment relationship.

It's time for the AIRC to regulate on work and family, says ACTU

In its opening address to the AIRC's work and family test case full bench, the ACTU has told the Commission that it is time to update the safety net to give up to 4.5 million workers new legal rights to help them accommodate their family and caring needs.

Deal brings retailer back to the field

A new s170LK agreement for clothing retailer Suzanne Grae delivers annual pay rises that are below the annual safety net increase, bringing rates and conditions closer to the industry norm.

Drug-testing employer has appeal thrown out

An employer that failed to establish that an AWA gave it the power to conduct compulsory random drug tests has failed in a bid to re-argue the case on a new basis.